Compass is bad ass
will certainly be using Compass in the future for building sites, whether they are static or dynamic. Pre-compilers and static site generators are all the rage right now, Haml, Sass & CoffeeScript have changed things for the better, there’s no reason to be scared of them.
- Install the compass gem
- Create a site
- Watch for changes
This will sit in the background and compile your CSS whenever you make changes to any of the files. Awesome.
gem install compass
compass create test-app
compass watch test-app
@import "icon/*.png";
@include all-icon-sprites;
And, you're done.
That's right. Those two lines will generate the sprite image and styles automagically for you.
I also like to include a sprite class which makes an element behave line a normal image.
.sprite {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
overflow: hidden;
text-indent: -9999px;
<b class="sprite icon-tick">Save</b>
There's another include for spriting regular, hover & active states as well.
@import "selectors/*.png";
@include all-selectors-sprites;
- selectors/comment.png
- selectors/comment_hover.png
- selectors/comment_active.png
Compass features
I've only played with the css3 & reset utilities so far, a reset stylesheet is included by default. There are many more utilities though which I'll be playing with.
One of the best features in my opinion of the whole compass piece is the color utilities like lighten(color, amount) & darken(color, amount). When you're tweaking a design you're often just tweaking contrasts, this is where these two utilities shine.
@import "compass/reset";
@import "compass/css3";
$link-color: #0084B4;
a {
color: $link-color;
a:hover {
color: darken($link-color, 15%);
Using variables for things makes a lot of sense.
You could define gutter widths for a design and then set widths & margins in your layout using simple maths meaning you can change the spacing globally.
css3 mixins
There's a background function which will generate vendor prefixes and supports multiple background images. You can even mix colors into rbga() if you don't know the specific RGB values, a color is a color.
#header {
@include background(
linear-gradient(top, rgba(black,0) 50%, rgba(black,.3)),
#wrapper {
@include border-radius(10px);
When you're ready to deploy combine and minify your assets
compass compile -e production --force
Easy as pie.